Energy Flow and Net Food For Elementary School

Life on earth depends on a constant energy from the sun. Solar energy trapped by autotrophs (producers) who uses that energy to produce food for themselves. Energy catches downgraded to animal herbifora (first consumer), which takes manufacturers.

Then, herbivores are eaten by carnivorous animals (consumers both). Consumers subsequently eaten by consumers both third. This groove is called the food chain. The position of each species occupying the food chain called Trophic (feeding).In each level, energy is stored as biomass, is the mass of a plant or animal life.  

A lot of energy is used to sustain the organism or lost to the environment as heat. This means that little energy is taken by one trophic level is available for the next trophic level.An ecosystem, such as forests or coastlines, can consist of thousands of species. 

 Most species were included in the different food chains. Food chains are linked together to form a complex food webs.Trophic pyramidTrophic pyramid illustrates the energy loss that occurs at each trophic level when the flow of energy across an ecosystem.  

Areas in each section of the pyramid is comparable to biomass at each trophic level. The area also describes the amount of potential energy available for the next level.Because only about 10% of energy at every level taken by the next higher level, then each level of shoring biomass and number of individuals are less.  

Due to the loss of energy, the maximum number supported trophic levels of the food chain is limited to only 1 6. trophic pyramids on the right shows the food chain found disebuah leaved deciduous forest.


The amount of energy that is in a trophic level can be measured by a bomb calorimeter. One organism was weighed, then burned rapidly in the combustion chamber.The energy stored in the organism is converted into thermal energy, which can be measured. Then, the result is multiplied with the prediction of the mass or the amount of the entire organism trophic level to give the overall energy content.


Food web below shows the relationship among the species that live food in the sea., In coastal waters. This indicates how the energy entering and flowing through the ecosystem.  

At the base of the food web are autotrof organisms, namely algae and phytoplankton which uses simple raw materials and the energy of the sun to produce energy-rich organi compounds through photosynthesis. Food energy they produce circulated in the circuit the food chain. 

 In each rangtai food, arrows indicate the direction of edible species and also the direction of energy flow.

Energy Flow Diagrams and Net Food Marine / CoastalBecause in an ecosystem, each species involved in the food chain are different, they become connected to each other to form a complex food webs .. In these food webs animals can eat at different trophic levels. This coastal food webs are very simplified, and showed little of the food chain and the species involved.

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