Let Know About Fungus

Fungus are a group of eukaryotic organisms, do not move and live in the soil. Organisms belonging to the fungus are fungus , yeasts, fungus , mildew (mildew), mushrooms, puffball, and smut.

Most fungus are multicellular organisms and have cell walls that contain chitin. fungus  are microscopic filaments composed of similar threads called hyphae. Will continue branching hyphae form a mass called Mycelia.

fungus  are heterotrophic organisms that absorb nutrients at or near the end of the hyphae. When hyphae that overhung the food. fungus are also a saprophytic organism, that feed on organisms die and decompose. Saprophytic soil fungus example reuse of nutrients from plant matter and dead animals.

Some fungus such as Candida fungus are parasites that feed on living organisms. Other forms of relationship is symbiotic mutualism with other organisms, such as the relationship between mycorrhizal and lichen.

fungus reproduce by releasing spores through the fruit bodies. Spore-producing structures in the fruit bodies include blades, pores, and thorns, depending on the species. Spores can be spread through the airflow active, or passive spread through rain or animals.

Body Structure Fungus

Struktur Jamur / Fungi
Struktur Jamur / Fungi
The shape of the fruit bodies of fungus showed a variety of variations. Fruit bodies supported by himenium (spore-producing tissue) and is specifically designed to help the spread of spores.

Himenium can be seen, such as the bird's nest and Fluted Stinkhorn fungus, or hidden as the summer truffle and common puffball mushrooms.

Most fungus such as mushrooms center, active release spores into the air. The spores will spread by wind. Other fungus such as bird nests Fluted passively rely on spore dispersal, ie by splashing rain and animals passing by.

Here is the cell structure of Fungus in the Video Animation :

Features Bladed Fungus

fungus fruit bodies of some fungus are included in the phylum Basidiomycota. fungus mycelia grow from underground and consists of a dense mass of hyphae. fungus bladed consists of the lid as a spore-producing and hood prop rod over the land. At the bottom of the lid there is a network called the vertical stripes. Blades contain spore-producing tissue. When mature, the spores carried by the flow of air when it emerged from the blade.
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Life Cycle Fungus

Spores germinate when landing at a suitable location. Spores grow into hyphae, which branched off to form the basis mycelium. Mycelia adjacent merged to form secondary mycelia. Part of this mass grows into a spore-producing fruit bodies (mushrooms). Separately in the fungal mycelia young to form a hood, blades, stems, and other parts. Common hood and hood split when the rod appears. As adults, fungi release spores.
Siklus Hidup Cendawan
Gambar Diagram Siklus Hidup Cendawan

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