Thermal Energy Experiments of Decay

Heat energy from the decay experiment is an experiment to determine the process of decomposition of organic materials are broken down by microorganisms that exist in nature around us.

With no decomposition process is carried out by microorganisms is the process of recycling the earth will continue to occur and produce a variety of things that will be used by other creatures.

Before conducting the experiment Thermal Energy of decay let us prepare the tools and material:
  1. Freshly cut grass
  2. sunny day with plenty of sunshine
  3. grass harrow
  4. watches or alarm
Heat energy released when organic substances (material that ever lived) rot. Many people who enjoy gardening has "Compost Beds", which is a place to make fertilizer for food nutrients in their garden.

A compost beds is a small patch of land, usually given the walls of the timber, which is filled with plants that are dead or almost dead, the remains of animals such as skin and pieces of kitchen, fallen leaves, grass clippings and so on.

The materials are stacked and left to rot for several months, which then turned into fertilizer extremely fertile. When the materials decompose, some heat will be generated.

Ilustrasi pembuatan kompos
If your house or yard lawn or in your neighbor's yard is being cut, collect grass clippings using a rake grass Create a pile of grass clippings as high as 30 cm and a diameter of 30 cm.

Tumpuka Put it in the yard, in tempar directly exposed to sunlight. Leave in place for 2 hours. Use a rake the grass to make a pile of grass to make a pile of grass beside the first pile.

The size of the stack should be the same. Wait for 10 minutes. Then insert a hand into the middle of each pile. Is the inside of the pile. remains warmer than the others? If true, where the stacks are warmer, the new pile or tupukan are already exposed to the sun for 2 hours?

Do you think the grass clippings can be a good habitat or nest for some kind of animal?

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