About The Endocrine System

The endocrine system or endocrine hormone system includes scattered throughout the body. These glands produce chemical messengers called hormones, and release it into the bloodstream.

Hormones control the level of the target organs and glands work. The endocrine system along with the nervous system, controlling and coordinating all activities of the body.

If the nervous system to work quickly with short-term results, the hormone works slower with longer impact. Endocrine glands include:
  1. Pineal gland that controls sleep and wake schedule daily
  2. Parathyroid glands determining the amount of calcium in the blood
  3. Thyroid gland as controlling metabolism (the rate the body uses energy);
  4. Adrenal gland which releases a number of hormones, one of which is the hormone adrenaline which can speed up the heart rate under stress.
  5. The pancreas gland that controls the amount of blood sugar (energy supplier in the body)
  6. Ovarian and testicular glands that release sex hormones. These hormones produce secondary sexual characters, such as the development of breasts in women and the emergence of facial hair on men.
Most, but not all, of the endocrine glands is controlled by a hormone released by the pituitary gland in the brain. Pituitary gland itself is controlled by the hypothalamus which is adjacent to the brain.

Pituitary gland

Image of endocrine glands in the brain
Image of endocrine glands in the brain
Pituitary gland consists of two parts. First, the anterior lobe produces several hormones, including growth hormone and thyroid hormones in order to remove the driver of the hormone. Second, the posterior lobe save two hormones produced by the hypothalamus, the hormone oxytocin and anti deuretik. Oxytocin causes uterine contractions during the process of giving birth and antidiuretic hormone controls the concentration of urine.

Endocrine gland in the Brain

Hiptalamus plays an important role in regulating the production of hormones. The hypothalamus sends a command to the surrounding pituitary gland, which then will release hormones. This hormone will then affect other endocrine glands.

Endocrine System, How it Works 

Hormones produced by the endocrine glands are secreted into the circulatory system and is carried by the blood to specific target tissues. Here, hormones attach themselves to tissue cells and secrete influence. Video below is how to explain the Endocrine system:

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